Water enters a parallel flow double-pipe heat exchanger at 15oC, flowing at the rate of 1200 kg/hr. It is heated by oil (Cp =2000 J/kg.K), flowing at the rate of 500 kg/hr from an inlet temperature of 90oC. For an area of 1 m2 and an overall heat transfer coefficient of 1,200 W/m2.K determine the total heat transfer and the outlet temperatures of water and oil.


Since the outlet temperature of the fluids are not given, the problem can be best solved by ε-NTU method.

Cmin = (500/3600) x 2000 = 277.78 W/oC = Ch

Cmax = (1200/3600) x 4184 = 1394.67 W/oC = Cc

C = Cmin/Cmax = 277.78 / 1394.67 = 0.2

N = NTU = UA / Cmin = 1200 x 1 / 277.78 = 4.32

For parallel flow, relation between effectiveness (ε) and NTU (N) is given by,

ε = {1 - exp[ -N(1 + C)]} / (1 + C) = {1 - exp[ - 4.32 x (1 + 0.2)]} / (1 + 0.2)

= 0.8287

Total heat transfer rate Q = εCmin(Th,in - Tc,in) = 0.8287 x 277.78 x (90 - 15) = 17265 W

Th,out = Th,in - Q/Ch = 90 - 17265/277.78 = 27.85oC

Outlet temperature of oil = 27.85oC

Tc,out = Tc,in + Q/Cc = 15 + 17265/1394.67 = 27.38oC

Outlet temperature of water = 27.38oC

Last modified: Saturday, 23 March 2024, 7:53 PM