Hot gases enter a finned tube heat exchanger at 300oC and leave at 100oC. It is used to heat water at a flow rate of 1 kg/s from 35oC to 125oC. The specific heat of exhaust hot gas is 1000 J/kg.K and the overall heat transfer coefficient based on the gas side is Uh = 100 W/m2.K. Determine the required heat transfer surface area using the NTU method


Since flow configuration is not given, we shall take it as countercurrent flow.

Mass flow rate of hot gases (mg) is obtained by energy balance:

1 x 4184 x (125 - 35) = mg x 1000 x (300 - 100)

mg = 1.8828 kg/s

Cmin = 1.8828 x 1000 = 1882.8 W/oC = Ch

Cmax = 1 x 4184 = 4184 W/oC = Cc

ε = Cc(Tc,out - Tc,in) / [Cmin(Th,in - Tc,in)] = 4184 x (125 - 35) / [1882.8 x (300 - 35)]

= 0.755

C = Cmin/Cmax = 1882.8/4184 = 0.45

 For the counter flow exchanger, effectiveness - NTU relationship is given by,

ε = {1 - exp[-N(1 -C)]} / {1 - Cexp[-N(1 - C)]}

We know ε and C; and we have to find N. This has to be solved by iteration.

0.755 = {1 - exp[-N(1 - 0.45)]} / {1 - 0.45 exp[-N(1 - 0.45)]}

0.755 = (1 - e-0.55N) / (1 - 0.45e-0.55N)

starting with an initial assumption of N = 2,

(1 - e-0.55N) / (1 - 0.45e-0.55N) = 0.667 / 0.85 = 0.7845

by assuming N = 1.9,

(1 - e-0.55N) / (1 - 0.45e-0.55N) = 0.648 / 0.842 = 0.77

by assuming N = 1.8,

(1 - e-0.55N) / (1 - 0.45e-0.55N) = 0.628 / 0.833 = 0.754

Since the assumption of N = 1.8, almost balances the equation, we shall take N = 1.8 as the correct value.

The required gas surface area, A = NTU Cmin / U = 1.8 x 1882.8 / 100 = 33.89 m2

Last modified: Saturday, 23 March 2024, 7:53 PM