MSubbu Academy
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- 1987
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- activity coefficient
- adiabatic reactor
- analogy
- annuity
- atomic balance
- azeotrope
- baffle
- Bernoulli equation
- Biot number
- Bode plot
- boundary layer
- buoyancy
- C-curve
- capitalized cost
- Carnot engine
- catalyst
- catalyst
- closed system
- combustion
- compounding frequency
- compressibility factor
- conversion
- cost index
- critical point
- crystallization
- cyclic process
- DCDA process
- degree of freedom analysis
- dew point
- drag force
- E-curve
- eigen value
- energy balance
- entropy change
- equation of continuity
- equilibrium constant
- equilibrium conversion
- evaporation
- evaporation
- excess air
- excess Gibbs free energy
- exothermic reaction
- extent of reaction
- feed forward control
- first law
- first order reaction
- first order system
- first-order reaction
- first-order system
- fluidization
- force
- fugacity
- heat exchanger
- heat generation
- heat of combustion
- heat of reaction
- ideal gas
- incompressible flow
- isothermal process
- laminar flow
- limiting reactant
- manometer
- molecular formula
- multiple effect evaporation
- multiple reactions
- Newton-Raphson
- non-Newtonian fluid
- Nylon
- offset
- packed bed
- parallel reactions
- partial molar properties
- Prandtl number
- pressure drop
- pump
- purge
- q-line
- Raoult's law
- reactor combinations
- recycle
- reflux ratio
- reforming
- relative humidity
- resistance in series
- reversible reaction
- second-order reaction
- second-order system
- selectivity
- series reactions
- shear stress
- single pass conversion
- Stokes law
- sulfuric acid
- super phosphate
- temperature profile
- terminal settling velocity
- Thiele modulus
- transfer function
- turbine
- two-phase system
- unsteady heat transfer
- van der Waals
- variable volume reaction
- velocity profile
- venturi meter
- view factor
- work
- zero-order reaction
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