Topic outline

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    • Heat Input at Constant Pressure Page
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    • Heat Input at Constant Pressure - Another Explanation Page
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    • Process with Heat Equal to Work Page
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    • Process Giving Maximum Work for a Given Heat Input Page
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    • PV Curve of Isothermal and Adiabatic Processes Page
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    • Work of Adiabatic Process Page
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    • Internal Energy Change of Ideal Gas from PV Curves Page
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    • Enthalpy Change of Ideal Gas Page
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    • Q, W, U of Processes Page
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    • Work of Closed System Page
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    • Relation for Heat Gain Page
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    • Heat Transfer to Piston-Cylinder System Page
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    • Thermodynamic Cycle Page
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    • Heat Flow Estimation from PV Diagram Page
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    • Sudden Expansion of Gas Page
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    • Internal Energy Change of Ideal Gas Page
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    • Heat Transfer from Steady Flow Compressor Page
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    • Specific Heat of Ideal Gas Page
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    • Q of a Step in a Cyclic Process from PV Diagram Page
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    • Work done by Turbine Page
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    • Enthalpy Change of Steady Flow Process Page
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    • Energy Interactions of Closed System Page
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    • Heat Transfer to a Closed System Page
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    • Electrical Heating of Closed System Page
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    • Heat Transfer of a Cycle from PV Diagram Page
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    • Irreversible Compression Page
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    • Ideal Gas - Conditions and Processes Page
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