Topic outline

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    • Questions with Answer-key Book
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    • Violation of Thermodynamic Laws Page
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    • Thermodynamic Possibilities Page
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    • Feasibility of Thermodynamic Cycle Page
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    • Reversible Non-flow Process Page
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    • Total Entropy Change for Heating of Water Page
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    • Internal Energy and Entropy Changes for Cooling Process Page
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    • Internal Energy and Entropy Changes of Heat Transfer Page
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    • Reversible Heat Transfer Page
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    • Entropy Change of Cyclic Process Page
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    • Maximum Work of Heat Engine Page
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    • Increasing the Efficiency of Carnot Cycle Page
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    • Carnot Refrigerator Driven by Carnot Engine Page
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    • Entropy Change of Ideal Gas Page
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    • Entropy Change for Irreversible Compression of Ideal Gas Page
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    • Entropy Change for Heat Transfer Page
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    • Entropy Change for Mixing Hot and Cold Water Page
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    • Entropy Change for Freezing Benzene with Ice-Water Page
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    • Entropy Change for Mixing Water with Ice-Water Bath Page
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    • Entropy of Two-phase Mixture Page
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    • Maximum Amount of Work from a Heat Engine with a Finite Heat Source Page
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    • Efficiency of a Thermodynamic Cycle Page
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    • Equilibrium Temperature for Heat Exchange Page
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    • Thermodynamic Cycle between Three Reservoirs Page
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