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    • Theory with Examples Page
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    • Steam Mixing Page
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    • Heat Released from Reaction Page
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    • Adiabatic Flame Temperature of Natural Gas Combustion Page
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    • Maximum Allowable Conversion of Exothermic Reaction Page


      Ammonia is produced by the following reaction \[ \text{N}_2 + 3\text{H}_2 \rightleftharpoons 2\text{NH}_3 \] In a commercial process for ammonia production, the feed to an adiabatic reactor contains 1 kmol/s of nitrogen and stoichiometric amount of hydrogen at 700 K. What is the maximum allowable conversion (in percentage) in the reactor, if the adiabatic temperature rise across the reactor should not exceed 100 K. Assume the feed and product streams to be ideal gas mixtures. The heat of reaction at 700 K for the above reaction is calculated to be -94.2 kJ/mol. Mean molar heat capacities (\(C_P\)), in the range  700 - 800 K, are 0.03, 0.0289 and 0.0492 kJ/mol.K for nitrogen, hydrogen and ammonia respectively.

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    • Heat Loss from the Combustion System Page


      Carbon monoxide (CO) is burnt in presence of 200% excess pure oxygen and the flame temperature achieved is 2298 K. The inlet streams are at 25oC. The standard heat of formation (at 25oC) of CO and CO2 are -110 kJ.mol-1 and -390 kJ.mol-1, respectively. The heat capacities (in J.mol-1.K-1) of the components are \[ C_{P_{\text{O}_2}}= 25 + 14\times10^{-3}T \qquad C_{P_{\text{CO}_2}} = 25 + 42\times10^{-3}T \] where, \(T\) is the temperature in K. The heat loss (in kJ) per mole of CO burnt is _______.

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    • Calorific Value of Fuels Page
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    • Adiabatic Mixing of Steam Page
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    • Heat of Formation from Heat of Combustion Data Page
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    • Heat Transferred from Reactor Page
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    • Adiabatic Combustion of Methane Page
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    • 1997-13-pc

      A feed at 1298 K, consisting of flue gas (\(\ce {CO2}\), \(\ce {O2}\) and \(\ce {N2}\)) and air, is passed through a bed of pure carbon. The reactions that occur both go to completion. \[ \begin {align*} \ce {CO2(g)} + \ce {C(s)} &\rightarrow 2\ce {CO(g)}, \quad \Delta H^\circ _R \text { at 298 K = 170 kJ/mol} \\
      \ce {O2(g)} + 2\ce {C(s)} &\rightarrow 2\ce {CO(g)}, \quad \Delta H^\circ _R \text { at 298 K = \(-\)220.4 kJ/mol} \end {align*} \]
      The combustor is adiabatic and the product gases exit at 1298 K. Calculate the required moles of \(\ce {CO2}\) per mole of \(\ce {O2}\) in the feed stream, so that the net heat generated is zero and the bed temperature remains constant at 1298 K.
      Data: Mean molar heat capacities, \(C_{Pm}\)

      Substance \(\ce{C}\) \(\ce{O2}\) \(\ce{CO}\) \(\ce{CO2}\)
      \(C_{Pm}\) (kJ/mol.K) 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.05
    • Heat Released from Combustion of CO Page
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    • Rate of Heat Removal from Ammonia Oxidizer Page
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    • Heat Removed from Ammonia Oxidizer - Multiple Reactions Page
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    • Temperature of Ammonia Oxidizer Page
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    • Exit Temperature of Flue Gas Page
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