Orsat Analysis

  • Orsat Analysis:

    • It gives the analysis of dry flue gas.

    • It reports (vol %) of: \(\ce{CO2}, \ce{O2}, \ce{CO}\), and \(\ce{N2}\) (by difference).

    • Orsat analysis does not report \(\ce{H2O}\) and \(\ce{SO3}\) as they are removed before the analyser.

    • The Orsat apparatus uses:

      • potassium hydroxide solution—for \(\ce{CO2}\) absorption

      • potassium pyrogallate solution—for \(\ce{O2}\) absorption

      • cuprous chloride solution—for \(\ce{CO}\) absorption

  • To minimize corrosion from gases containing sulfur oxides and water vapor, it is customary to maintain the temperature of flue gas higher than its dew point. The greater the moisture present in the flue gas, the higher is the dew point.

  • The major combustion reactions are all exothermic.