Section outline

    • Questions - Phase Equilibria Book
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    • Quick Review of Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium - Theory Page
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    • Data from Txy Diagram of VLE Page
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    • Degree of Freedom from Phase Rule Page
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    • Bubble Composition from P, T, Vapor Pressure Data Page
      A mixture of \(A\) and \(B\) conforms closely to Raoult’s law. The pure component vapor pressures \(P_A^{\text {sat}}\) and \(P_B^{\text {sat}}\) in kPa are given by (\(T\) in \(^\circ \)C) \[ \begin {align*} \ln P_A^{\text {sat}} &= 14.27 - \frac {2945}{T + 224} \\
      \ln P_B^{\text {sat}} &= 14.20 - \frac {2973}{T + 209} \end {align*} \]
      If the bubble point of a certain mixture of \(A\) and \(B\) is 76\(^\circ \)C at a total pressure of 80 kPa, find the mole fraction of \(A\) in the first vapor that forms.
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    • Bubble Pressure and Dew Pressure Calculations Page
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    • Maximum Pressure for Existence of Vapor Phase Page
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    • Boiling Point of Immiscible Liquid Mixture Page
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    • Flash Vaporization Page
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    • Relation between Azeotrope and Activity Coefficients Page
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    • Checking for Azeotrope from Tabular Data of VLE Page
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    • Pressure Range for Two-phase at Constant Temperature Page
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    • Activity Coefficients and Excess Gibbs Free Energy from VLE Data Page
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    • Excess Gibbs Free Energy from VLE Data Page
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    • Equilibrium Vapor Composition from Vapor Pressure and Activity Coefficients Page
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    • VLE of Non-ideal Solution from Azeotropic Data Page
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    • VLE from Azeotropic Composition Page
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    • Henry's Law for Solute and Raoult's Law for Solvent Page
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    • Vapor Pressures and Henry's Law Constants from Partial Pressure Relations Page
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    • Methane and Water in Equilibrium - Raoult's and Henry's Laws Page
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    • Activity Coefficient and Excess Gibbs Free Energy- Thermodynamic Consistency Page
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